电子邮箱:yangbo@ruc.edu.cn, yangbo_ruc@126.com
2. 面向管理和决策大数据资源共享与治理机制(国家自然学科基金,25万,子课题主持人)
3. 基于数据和知识驱动的反馈式深度学习技术研究(北京市科技计划类脑专项,300万,主要参与人)
4. 离岸IT外包中的社会性边界问题研究——基于边界对象和文化智力的视角(国家自然科学基金,主持人)
5. 北京市IT外包服务业发展模式研究(北京市自然科学基金,主持人)
6. IT外包理论和管理机制研究(教育部重点实验室开放式基金,主持人)
7. 北京IT服务外包产业发展路径和对策研究(北京软件促进中心,主持人)
8. 北京软件出口和信息服务外包企业能力综合评价模型(北京软件促进中心,主持人)
9. 中国IT服务外包业发展模式和关键成功因素实证研究(人民大学985自由探索项目,主持人)
10. 物流教学实验软件平台(人民大学教改项目,主持人)
1.Understanding the influence mechanism of advertising avoidance from an S-O-R perspective: An empirical study based on “Qiafan” videos of Bilibili. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2024-02-28. A-,第一作者.
2. How perceived justice leads to stickiness to short-term rental platforms: Unveiling the effect of relationship commitment and trust. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2024-07-01. A-,通讯作者.
3. How emotions affect the outcomes of information overload: information avoidance or information consumption? Internet Research. 2024-06-13. A,通讯作者.
4. An Empirical Examination of Organizational Commitment Across psychological Contract Matching Patterns in Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) . Information Systems Frontiers. 2024-01-18. B,第一作者.
5. Unveiling the paradox of technostress: Impacts of technology-driven stressors on the elderly’s avoidance behaviors. Information & Management. 2023-10-16. A-,通讯作者.
6. "Investigating students’ satisfaction with online collaborative learning during the COVID-19 period: An Expectation-Confirmation Model".Group Decision and Negotiation. 2023-04-15. A,通讯作者
7.To trust or not to trust: a qualitative study of older adults’ online communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2023-03-16. A-,通讯作者
8.An investigation on the influencing factors of elderly people’s intention to use financial AI customer service. Internet Research. 2023-02-19. A,通讯作者
9.Understanding users’ negative emotions and continuous usage intention in short video platforms. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2023-02-14. A-,通讯作者
10.Exploring information dissemination effect on social media: an empirical investigation. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2023-02-07. B,第一作者
11.Investigation on users' resistance intention to facial recognition payment: a perspective of privacy. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 022-11-01. A-,通讯作者
12.Exploring hotspots an d user information beh aviour of WeChat ofci al accoun ts: An empiri cal study based on stimulus– response model. Journal of Information Science. 2022-01-01. A,第一作者
13.An investigation on trust in AI-enabled collaboration : Application of AI-Driven chatbot in a ccommodation-based sharing economy. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2022-07-01. A-,通讯作者
14.Exploring the factors a fecting content disse mination through WeC hat ofcial accounts: a heuristic-systematic m odel perspective. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2022-04-01. A-,第一作者
15.Understanding Users' Group Behavioral Decis ions About Sharing Art icles in Social Media: A n Elaboration Likelihoo d Model Perspective.Group Decision and Negotiation. 2022-05-01. A,第一作者
16.The affordances of AI-enabled automatic scoring applications on learners' continuous learning intention: An empirical study in China,BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY,2020-07. A类,通讯作者
17.An investigation into sharing economy enabled ridesharing drivers\\\' trust: A qualitative study,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,2020-04,A-类,通讯作者
18.Motivating User-Generated Content with Performance Feedback: Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments,Ni Huang,Gordon Burtch,Bin Gu,Yili Hong,Chen Liang,Kanliang Wang,Dongpu Fu,Bo Yang, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2019-01. A+
19.互动仪式链是脚下微信订阅号用户互动行为的实证研究。信息系统学报。2023-03. 通讯作者。
20.基于SEIR的微信公众号信息传播建模与分析。计算机科学。2022-04-02. 通讯作者。
21.The calendar effect of price-reduction auction of online agricultural products. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management. 2021-01-01. 第一作者
24. 软件测试中的游戏化元素研究——基于手机测试的多案例研究, 信息系统学报,2017-04,通讯作者
25.科技项目监察风险点的识别和控制研究, 科技促进发展, 2016-07,通讯作者
28.The impact of boundary spanning capability, cultural differences on success of offshore information,Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 14, Nos. 1/2, 2014,C类,第一作者
1. 微适美——数字化牙齿矫正解决方案提供者,2022
2. 美好家+——以智慧技术打造美好生活, 2021
3. 连尚文学——以免费推动行业扩容,2020
4. 十年磨一剑——“海天瑞声”工匠精神打造全球领先的语音基础数据资源,2019
5. YEECALL——天生国际化的社交工具,2018
6. 速途网络——打造中国领先的“新媒体生态运营商”,2017
7. “ThePowerofStory”——“两三事”电子商务品牌案例,2016
8. “互联网+”背景下,电子商务服务公司的生存之道:从电商代运营到数字一体化服务,2015
1. 《信息管理与信息系统概论(第5版)》,程絮森、杨波、陈禹,中国人民大学出版社,2022
2. 《电子商务概论》,程絮森、杨波、王刊良,中国人民大学出版社,2022
3. 《电子商务商业模式及案例》,程絮森、杨波、王刊良、陈姚,清华大学出版社,2022
4. 《电子商务项目管理》,左美云、杨波,中国人民大学出版社,2021
6. 《电子商务创新创业案例》,杨波、王刊良,中国人民大学出版社,2017
2. 2021年中国人民大学优秀教学成果一等奖(排名第3)
4.中国人民大学 2020 年本科课外教学优秀奖