程絮森,男,中国人民大学信息学院经济信息管理系主任,教授,博士生导师,英国曼彻斯特大学商学院信息学博士。国家重大人才工程“长江学者奖励计划”入选者,教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目首席专家,国家自然科学基金重点项目负责人,北京市国家治理青年人才培养计划入选者,斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单入选者,数字经济与商务协作实验室主任,中国人民大学元宇宙研究中心副主任。中国信息经济学会常务理事,中国管理科学与工程学会理事,中国老年学与老年医学学会理事,中国软科学研究会理事,中国信息经济学会互联网经济与跨境电商专委会副主席、中国老年学与老年医学学会智慧医养分会副主席。主要从事信息管理与电子商务领域相关研究。主持过国家自然科学基金重点项目、组织间国际合作研究项目、面上项目、青年项目共6项,教育部项目4项,北京市项目3项,国家社科重大项目子课题2项。在MIS Quarterly, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Management Information Systems,Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, Tourism Management等国际SSCI顶级与权威期刊,ICIS,HICSS,ACM CHI等顶级学术会议以及CSSCI核心等录用/发表论文100余篇(发表SSCI/SCI论文70余篇),出版中英文著作8部。在16本SSCI期刊担任编委相关工作,包括Information Technology and People高级主编(SE)、Internet Research 副主编(AE)、Information Technology for Development 副主编(AE)、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 副主编(AE)、Electronic Commerce Research编委,ISJ、IPM、BJET、EM、ECRA、JECR、JGITM 、IJIM、INTR、JGIM、IJCHM、JOEUC期刊客座主编与编审委,以及国际顶级会议HICSS、AMCIS、ICIS、ECIS分会主席和编委,获得过教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社科)青年成果奖,北京市哲社优秀成果奖二等奖,中国信息经济学优秀成果奖与青年创新奖,北京市教学成果奖二等奖、北京高校青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖,北京高校青年教师社会调研成果一等奖等。担任过商务部、交通部、工信部等特邀专家,国家高端智库人大国发院研究员,所撰写资政建议多次获得领导重要批示以及多个部委内参重要采纳,接受过新华社、人民日报、中央电视台、中央人民广播电台等主流媒体多次专访。

电话 :010-62513624



2024.12- 至今: 中国人民大学信息学院经济信息管理系主任

2019.12- 至今: 中国人民大学信息学院经济信息管理系,教授,博士生导师

2010.8 - 2019.12 对外经济贸易大学信息学院教授、博士生导师、电子商务系主任、院长助理。
















• 2025年1月-2029年12月 国家自然科学基金重点项目“网约车平台数字化监管治理机制与政策研究”(72434006),项目负责人

• 2024年1月-2026年12月 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“生成式人工智能助推数字经济高质量发展的机制与路径研究”(23JZD022),项目负责人/首席专家

• 2023年1月-2026年12月 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于协作工程的AI赋能人机团队协作中的信任研究”(72271236),项目负责人

• 2021年1月-2023年12月 国家自然科学基金国际合作研究(中韩组织间合作)重点项目“重大突发公共卫生事件下中韩公众风险感知、应对行为及情绪演变的交互影响机理研究”(72061147005),200万,项目负责人

• 2019年1月-2022年12月 国家自然科学基金面上项目“分享经济背景下互联网约租车参与主体间双向信任研究”(71871061),项目负责人

• 2016年1月-2019年12月 国家自然科学基金面上项目“企业跨国混合式虚拟团队协作中的个人信任提升研究:基于协作工程方法”(71571045),项目负责人 (基金委后期评估为“优”)

• 2012年1月-2014年12月 国家自然科学基金青年项目“互联网环境下国际团队中的个人信任发展规律实证研究:基于建导式协作背景”(71101029),项目负责人 (基金委后期评估为“优”)

• 2011年6月-2012年7月 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目“An Investigation into a Patterns Approach for Collaborative User Requirements Elicitation in China”,项目中方负责人

• 2017年12月-2020年11月 国家重点研发计划“智能服务交易与监管技术研究”(2017YFB1400705),核心成员


• 2024年5月-2024年12月 北京市科协决策咨询重大课题“北京市加快发展新质生产力的重点和实现路径研究”,项目负责人

• 2016年8月-2018年6月 北京市社科基金项目“北京网络租约车规制模式与策略研究”,项目负责人

• 2015年12月-2018年12月 北京市高等学校教育教学改革立项项目“基于建导的移动互联网跨国团队协作创新人才培养模式研究”,项目负责人

• 2022年12月-2023年12月 北京市高等教育学会面上课题“元宇宙赋能的高校学生智慧协作学习科教融合新模式研究”(MS2022294),项目负责人

• 2021年9月-2022年9月 教育部产学合作协同育人项目“跨境电子商务课程教学改革路径探索”(202102494001), 项目负责人

• 2021年9月-2022年9月 教育部产学合作协同育人项目“VR赋能的电子商务课程教学改革路径探索”(202102100050), 项目负责人

• 2012年12月-2014年1月 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金“基于网络的个人诚信发展演化研究”(第45批),项目负责人










主要期刊论文(Selected Journal Paper)(其中,JCR一区50篇,人大国际A类59篇)

1. Cheng,X.,Jin,Y.,Xu,Y,Luo,X.,Qiu,L.(2024). Revisiting Seller Reputation: Impact of Internal and External Reputation on Sales in Online Knowledge Payment Markets. Production and Operations Management, DOI: 10.1177/10591478241310224. (SCI) (国际顶级期刊,UTD24, FT50,ABS 4,JCR一区,IF:4.8,FMS A, 人大国际A)

2. He, S., Qiu, L., Cheng, X.* (2022). Surge Pricing and Short-term Wage Elasticity of Labor Supply in Real-Time Ridesharing Markets. MIS Quarterly, 46(1), 193-227. (SSCI &SCI) (国际顶级期刊,信息系统领域国际TOP3, UTD24, FT50,ABS 4*,JCR一区,ABDC List A* Journal,IF:8.513,FMS A,人大国际A+)

3. Cheng X., Fu S., Sun J., Zuo M., & Meng X. (2023). Trust in online ride-sharing transactions: Impacts of heterogeneous order features. Journal of Management Information Systems, 40(1), 183-207.(SSCI &SCI) (国际顶级期刊,信息系统领域国际TOP3, FT50,ABS 4分,JCR一区,ABDC List A* Journal,IF:7.582,FMS A,人大国际A)

4. Cheng, X., Fu, S., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G. J., Seeber, I., Maier, R., Weber, B. (2020). Idea convergence quality in open innovation crowdsourcing: A cognitive load perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(2), 349-376.(SSCI &SCI) (国际顶级期刊,信息系统领域国际TOP3, FT50,ABS 4分,JCR一区,ABDC List A* Journal,IF:7.582,FMS A, 人大国际A)

5. Cheng, X., Fu, S., Druckenmiller, D. (2017). Trust Development in Globally Distributed Collaboration: A Case of US and Chinese Mixed Teams. Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(4), 978-1007. (SSCI &SCI) (国际顶级期刊,信息系统领域国际TOP3,FT50,ABS 4分,JCR一区,ABDC List A* Journal,IF:7.582,FMS A, 人大国际A)

6. Cheng, X., Zhang, X., Luo, X.(2024). The IT‐driven ridesharing economy at the base of the pyramid: Unravelling the impact of uncertainty reduction on drivers' engagement in ridesharing. Information Systems Journal. DOI:10.1111/isj.12553 (信息系统领域basket of 6 TOP期刊,ABS 4分,ABDC-Journal List- A* journal,JCR一区,IF: 6.5,人大国际A)

7. Cheng, X., Su, L., Luo X., Benitez J., Cai S. (2022). The good, the bad, and the ugly: Impact of analytics and artificial intelligence-enabled personal information collection on privacy and participation in ridesharing. European Journal of Information Systems, 31(3), 339-363. (SSCI)(信息系统领域basket of 6 TOP期刊,ABS 4分,ABDC-Journal List- A* journal,JCR一区,IF:9.011,FMS A,人大国际A)

8. Su, L., Cheng,X*., Zarifis, A.(2024). Passengers as defenders: Unveiling the role of customer-company identification in the trust-customer citizenship behaviour relationship within ride-hailing context. Tourism Management, 107,105086.(SSCI) (旅游管理领域国际TOP3,ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 4分,JCR一区,IF:12.879, 2/56, FMS A,人大国际A)

9. Cheng, X., Fu, S., Sun J., Bilgihan A., Okumus F. (2019). An Investigation on Online Reviews in Sharing Economy Driven Hospitality Platforms: A Viewpoint of Trust. Tourism Management, 71, 366-377. (SSCI) (旅游管理领域国际TOP3,ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 4分,JCR一区,IF:12.879, 2/56, ESI前1%高被引论文,ESI前0.1%热引论文,人大国际A)

10. Cheng, X., Zhang, S., Ran, Y., & Ma, B. (2024). Enhancing the perceived resilience of the road transportation system: Utilizing cues from ridesharing. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 186, 104131.(SSCI)(交通领域顶刊,FMS A,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:6.4)

11. Cheng,X.,Zhang,S.,Mou,J.(2024). Are you caught in the dilemma of metaverse avatars? The impact of individuals' congruity perceptions on paradoxical emotions and actual behaviors. Decision Support Systems, 189,114387.(SCI)(ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:6.7,人大国际A)

12. Cheng, X., Mou, J., Shen, X. L., de Vreede, T., & Alt, R. (2024). Guest editorial: Exploring the research opportunities and challenges in the metaverse. Internet Research, 34(1), 1-8. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal, ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:6.353,人大国际A)

13. Cheng,X., Huang,X.,Yang, B.,Chen,S.,Yan,Y.(2024) How perceived justice leads to stickiness to short-term rental platforms:Unveiling the effect of relationship commitment and trust. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 66, 101422. (SSCI)(JCR一区,IF:5.622,人大国际A-)

14. Yang, B., Zhang, X., Cheng, X.*, & Xue, T. (2024). Understanding the influence mechanism of advertising avoidance from an SOR perspective: An empirical study based on “Qiafan” videos of Bilibili. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 64, 101377. (SSCI)(JCR一区,IF:5.622,人大国际A-)

15. Cheng, X., Huang, X., Yang, B., & Xiao, Y. (2023). Unveiling the paradox of technostress: Impacts of technology-driven stressors on the elderly's avoidance behaviors. Information & Management, 60(8), 103875. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.328,人大国际A-)

16. Hou, T., Cheng, X. *, & Luo, X. R. (2023). When carrots and sticks meet: A mixed-methods study on internet taxi drivers’ job engagement in the IT-driven sharing economy. Information & Management, 60(4), 103788. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.328,人大国际A-)

17. Gu, Y., Cheng, X.*, & Shen, J. (2023). Design shopping as an experience: Exploring the effect of the live-streaming shopping characteristics on consumers’ participation intention and memorable experience. Information & Management, 60(5), 103810. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.328,人大国际A-, ESI前1%高被引论文)

18. Cheng, X., Xue, T., Yang, B., & Ma, B. (2023). A digital transformation approach in hospitality and tourism research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 35(8), 2944-2967. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:9.32,ESI前0.1%热点论文,ESI前1%高被引论文)

19. Cheng, X., Bao, Y., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G. J., & Gu, J. (2024). Ride-sharing customers’ self-protection motivation in the post-COVID-19 world. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 36(4), 1114-1142. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:9.32)

20. Cheng, X., Qiao, L., Yang, B., & Li, Z. (2023). An investigation on the influencing factors of elderly people’s intention to use financial AI customer service. Internet Research, DOI:10.1108/INTR-06-2022-0402. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal, ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:6.353,人大国际A)

21. Fu, S., Cheng, X.*, Bilgihan, A., & Okumus, F. (2024). Hue, brightness, saturation, and caption description: which attributes impact listing preferences on digital accommodation platforms? Internet Research, 34(2),495-518. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal, ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:6.353,人大国际A)

22. Cheng, X., Su, X., Yang, B., Zarifis, A., & Mou, J. (2023). Understanding users’ negative emotions and continuous usage intention in short video platforms. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 58, 101244. (SSCI)(JCR一区,IF:5.622,人大国际A-)

23. Cheng, X., Qiao, L., Yang, B., & Han, R. (2023). To trust or not to trust: a qualitative study of older adults’ online communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Electronic Commerce Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10660-023-09679-4. (ABDC List A Journal,JCR三区,IF:3.462,人大国际A-)

24. Cheng, X., Cohen, J., & Mou, J. (2023). AI-enabled technology innovation in e-commerce. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 24(1), 1-6. (SSCI) (ABDC List B Journal,JCR三区,IF:4,人大国际B)

25. Yu, X., Shen, Y., Cheng, X. *, & Bao, Y. (2022). How can cross-cultural virtual learning teams collaborate effectively: A longitudinal study. Information & Management, 59(6), 103667. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.328,人大国际A-)

26. Cheng, X., Zhang, X., Cohen, J., & Mou, J. (2022). Human vs. AI: Understanding the impact of anthropomorphism on consumer response to chatbots from the perspective of trust and relationship norms. Information Processing & Management, 59(3), 102940. (SSCI)(教育部A类期刊,ABDC-Journal List- B journal,JCR一区,IF:7.466,人大国际A-)

27. Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Zarifis, A., Gong, W., Mou, J. (2022). Exploring consumers' response to text-based chatbots in e-commerce: the moderating role of task complexity and chatbot disclosure, Internet Research, 32(2),496-517. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal, ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:6.353,人大国际A)

28. Cheng, X., Zhang, X., Yang, B., & Fu, Y. (2022). An investigation on trust in AI-enabled collaboration: Application of AI-Driven chatbot in accommodation-based sharing economy. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 54, 101164. (SSCI)(JCR一区,IF:5.622,人大国际A-)

29. Hou, T., Luo, X. R., Ke, D., Cheng, X. (2022). Exploring different appraisals in deviant sharing behaviors: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Business Research, 139, 496-509. (SSCI)(ABDC List A Journal, ABS 3, JCR一区,IF:10.969,人大国际A-)

30. Yang, B., Huang, J., Cheng, X. *, & Du, S. (2022). Exploring hotspots and user information behaviour of WeChat official accounts: An empirical study based on stimulus–response model. Journal of Information Science, DOI: 10.1177/01655515221123962. (SSCI) (JCR三区,IF:2.462,教育部国际A类,人大国际A-)

31. Zarifis, A., & Cheng, X. (2022). A model of trust in Fintech and trust in Insurtech: How Artificial Intelligence and the context influence it. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 36, 100739. (SSCI) (ABDC List A journal, JCR一区,IF:8.222)

32. Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Yang, B., Chen, S., Zuo, Y., & Siponen, M. (2023). Investigating Students’ Satisfaction with Online Collaborative Learning During the COVID-19 Period: An Expectation-Confirmation Model. Group Decision and Negotiation, DOI: 10.1177/01655515221123962. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR二区,IF:2.928,人大国际A)

33. Yang, B., Liu, C., Cheng, X., & Ma, X. (2022). Understanding Users' Group Behavioral Decisions About Sharing Articles in Social Media: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective. Group Decision and Negotiation, 31(4), 819-842. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR二区,IF:2.928,人大国际A)

34. Zhang, W., Li, L., Mou, J., Zhang, M., Cheng, X., & Xia, H. (2022). Mediating Effects of Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, and Negative Emotions on Coping Behaviors: Evidence from a Survey of Older Chinese Adults. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 34(6), 1-22. (SSCI)(JCR一区,IF:7.4)

35. Cheng, X., Qiao, L., Yang, B., & Zhang, X. (2022). Investigation on users’ resistance intention to facial recognition payment: a perspective of privacy. Electronic Commerce Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10660-022-09588-y. (ABDC List A Journal,JCR三区,IF:3.462,人大国际A-)

36. Yang, B., Hu, Y., Cheng, X.*, Bao, Y., & Chen, W. (2022). Exploring the factors affecting content dissemination through WeChat official accounts: a heuristic-systematic model perspective. Electronic Commerce Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10660-022-09559-3. (ABDC List A Journal,JCR三区,IF:3.462,人大国际A-)

37. Zhang, X., Cheng, X.*, & Huang, X. (2023). “Oh, My God, Buy It!” Investigating impulse buying behavior in live streaming commerce. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 39(12), 2436-2449. (SSCI)(JCR一区,IF:4.92,人大国际A-, ESI前1%高被引论文)

38. Bao, Y., Cheng, X.*, Zarifis, A. (2022). Exploring the Impact of Country-of-Origin Image and Purchase Intention in Cross-Border E-Commerce. Journal of Global Information Management, 30(2), 1-20. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List-A journal,JCR二区,IF:3.474, 人大国际B)

39. Cheng, X., Lin, X., Shen, X., Zarifis, A., Mou, J. (2022). The dark sides of AI. Electronic Markets, 32(1), 11-15. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR二区,IF:6.017)

40. Cheng, X., Xiao, L., & Mou, J. (2022). Interview with Yolanda Yao, Product Director of a leading cross-border e-commerce company. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 25(1), 102-107. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- B journal,JCR二区,IF:3.444,人大国际B)

41. Xiao, L., Cheng, X., Mou, J. (2022). Understanding global e-commerce development during the COVID-19 pandemic: Technology-Organization-Environment perspective. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 25(1), 1-6. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- B journal,JCR二区,IF:3.444,人大国际B)

42. Cheng, X., Gu, Y., Hua, Y., Luo, X. (2021). The Paradox of Word-of-Mouth in Social Commerce: Exploring the Juxtaposed Impacts of Source Credibility and Information Quality on SWOM Spreading. Information & Management, 58(7), 103505. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.328,人大国际A-)

43. Cheng, X., Hou, T., Mou, J. (2021). Investigating Perceived Risks and Benefits of Information Privacy Disclosure in IT-Enabled Ride-Sharing. Information & Management, 58(6), 103450. (ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.328,人大国际A-)

44. Cheng, X., Fu, S., de Vreede G.J., Li, Y. (2021). Using Collaboration Engineering to Mitigate Low Participation, Distraction, and Learning Inefficiency to Support Collaborative Learning in Industry, Group Decision and Negotiation, 30(1), 171-190. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR二区,IF:2.928,人大国际A)

45. Cheng, X., Mou, J., Yan., X. (2021). Sharing economy enabled digital platforms for development, Information Technology for Development, 27(4), 635-644. (SSCI)(ABDC List B Journal, JCR一区,IF:4.261)

46. Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Yu, X., Shen, Y. (2021). Trust and Group Efficiency in Multinational Virtual Team Collaboration: A Longitudinal Study, Group Decision and Negotiation, 30(3), 529-551 (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR二区,IF:2.92,人大国际A)

47. Cheng, X., Fu, S., de Vreede G.J. (2021). Determinants of trust in computer-mediated offshore software-outsourcing collaboration. International Journal of Information Management. 57,102301.(SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,JCR一区,IF:18.958,领域影响因子排名1/87,人大国际A)

48. Chen, S., Su, L., Cheng, X*. (2021). Physical Internet deployment in industry: literature review and research opportunities. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 122(6), 1522-1540. (SCI)(ABDC-Journal List-A journal, JCR二区,IF:4.803)

49. Su, L., Cheng, X.*, Hua, Y., Zhang, W. (2021). What leads to value co-creation in reward-based crowdfunding? From the perspective of person-environment fit. Transportation Research Part E, 149, 102297. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List-A* journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.047,人大国际A)

50. Hou, T., Cheng, X.*, Cheng, X. (2021). The role of transaction cost and trust in e-loyalty: A mixed-methods study of ride-sharing. Information Technology and People, 34(3), 1018-1038. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal, ABS 3分,JCR二区,IF:4.481,人大国际A-)

51. Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Zarifis, A. (2020). Investigating the impact of IT-mediated information interruption on emotional exhaustion in the workplace. Information Processing and Management, 57(6), 102281.(SSCI)(教育部A类期刊,ABDC-Journal List- B journal,JCR一区,IF:7.466,人大国际A-)

52. Cheng, X., Su, L., Yang, B. (2020). An investigation into sharing economy enabled ridesharing drivers’ trust: A qualitative study. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 40, 100956. (SSCI)(JCR一区,IF:5.622,人大国际A-)

53. Fu,S., Cheng, X.*, Bao, Y., Bilgihan, A., Okumus, F. (2020). Staying in a hotel or peer-to-peer accommodation sharing? A discrete choice experiment with online reviews and discount strategies. Internet Research, 31(2), 654-676. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal, ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:6.353,人大国际A)

54. Cheng, X., Gu, Y., Mou, J. (2020). Interpersonal relationship building in social commerce communities: considering both swift guanxi and relationship commitment. Electronic Commerce Research, 20(1), 53-80. (SSCI) (ABDC List A Journal,JCR三区,IF:3.462,人大国际A-)

55. Hua Y., Cheng X*., Hou T., Luo R. (2020). Monetary Rewards, Intrinsic Motivators, and Work Engagement in the IT‐Enabled Sharing Economy: A Mixed‐Methods Investigation of Internet Taxi Drivers, Decision Sciences. 51(3), 755-785. (SSCI) (ABDC List A* Journal,JCR二区,IF:4.147, ABS 3分,AIS SIGGTM Best Paper Award nomination,ESI前1%高被引论文,人大国际A)

56. Fu, S., Cheng, X.*, Su, L., Bilgihan, A., Okumus, F. (2020). Designing Collaboration Process Facilitation in Hotel Management Teams to Improve Collaboration Performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88,102527. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.427,人大国际B)

57. Sun, J., Geng, J., Cheng, X.*, Zhu, M., Xu, Q., Liu, Y. (2020). Leveraging Personality Information to Improve Community Recommendation in E-learning Platforms. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(5), 1711-1733. (SSCI)(教育部A类期刊,ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR一区,IF:5.268,人大国际A)

58. Cheng, X., Sun, J., Zarifis, A. (2020). Artificial intelligence and deep learning in educational technology research and practice. British Journal of Educational Technology,51(3),1653-1656. (SSCI)(教育部A类期刊,ABDC-Journal List- A journal, JCR一区,IF:5.268,人大国际A)

59. Cheng, X., Su, L., Zarifis, A. (2019). Designing a talents training model for cross-border e-commerce: a mixed approach of problem-based learning with social media. Electronic Commerce Research.19(4), 801-822. (SSCI) (ABDC List A Journal,JCR三区,IF:3.462,人大国际A-)

60. Cheng, X., Gu, Y., Shen, J. (2019). An Integrated View of Particularized Trust in Social Commerce: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Information Management, 45, 1-12. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,JCR一区,IF:18.958,领域影响因子排名1/87,ESI前1%高被引,人大国际A)

61. Lin, J., Luo, Z., Cheng, X., Li, L. (2019). Understanding the interplay of social commerce affordances and swift guanxi: An empirical study. Information & Management, 56,213-224. (SSCI) (ABDC List A* Journal,ABS 3分,JCR一区,IF:10.328,ESI前1%高被引论文,人大国际A-)

62. Cheng, X., Fu, S., de Vreede, G. J. (2018). A Mixed Method Investigation of Sharing Economy Driven Car-Hailing Services: Online and Offline Perspectives. International Journal of Information Management, 41, 57-64. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,JCR一区,IF:18.958,领域影响因子排名1/87,人大国际A)

63. Sun, J., Jiang, Y., Cheng, X., Du, W., Liu, Y., Ma, J. (2018). A Hybrid Approach for Article Recommendation in Research Social Networks. Journal of Information Science, 44(5), 696–711. (SSCI) (JCR三区,IF:2.462,教育部国际A类,人大国际A-)

64. Cheng, X., Fu, S., Yin, G. (2017). Does Subsidy Work? An Investigation of Post-Adoption Switching on Car-Hailing APPS. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(4), 317-329. (SSCI) (ABDC List B Journal,JCR三区,IF:4,人大国际B)

65. Cheng, X., Fu, S., Han, Y., Zarifis, A. (2017). Investigating the Individual Trust and School Performance in Semi-Virtual Collaboration Groups, Information Technology and People, 30(3), 691-707.(SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal, ABS 3分,JCR二区,IF:4.481,人大国际A-)

66. Cheng X., Yan X., Bajwa, D. (2017). Exploring the Emerging Research Topics on Information Technology-Enabled Collaboration for Development. Information Technology for Development, 23(3), 403-414. (SSCI) (ABDC List B Journal, JCR一区,IF:4.261)

67. Du, W., Cheng, X., Yang, C., Sun, J., Ma, J. (2017). Establishing Interoperability among Knowledge Organization Systems for Research Management: A Social Network Approach. Scientometrics, 112(3), 1489-1506. (SSCI)(ABDC List A journal,JCR二区,IF:3.801,人大国际B)

68. Cheng, X., Fu, S., de Vreede, G.J. (2017). Understanding Trust Influencing Factors in Social Media Communication: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Information Management, 37(2), 25-35. (SSCI)(ABDC List A* Journal,JCR一区,IF:18.958,领域影响因子排名1/87,人大国际A)

69. Cheng, X., Fu, S., Sun, J., Han, Y., Shen J., Zarifis A. (2016). Investigating Individual Trust in Semi-Virtual Collaboration of Multicultural and Unicultural Teams, Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 267-276. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR一区,IF:8.957,人大国际A)

70. Cheng, X., Yin, G., Azadegan, A., Kolfschoten, G.L. (2016). Trust Evolvement in Hybrid Team Collaboration: A Longitudinal Case Study, Group Decision and Negotiation, 25(2), 267-288. (SSCI) (ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR二区,IF:2.928,人大国际A)

71. Cheng, X., Li, Y., Sun, J., Huang, J. (2016). Application of a Novel Collaboration Engineering Method for Learning Design: A Case Study, British Journal of Educational Technology. 47(4), 803-818. (SSCI)(教育部A类期刊,ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR一区,IF:5.268,人大国际A)

72. Cheng, X., Wang, X., Huang, J., Zarifis, A. (2016). An Experimental Study of Satisfaction Response: Evaluation of Online Collaborative Learning, International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 17(1), 60-78. (SSCI)(JCR二区,IF:2.7)

73. Sun, J., Wang, G., Cheng, X., Fu Y. (2015). Mining Affective Text to Improve Social Media Item Recommendation, Information Processing and Management, 51(4), 444-457. (SSCI) (教育部A类期刊,ABDC-Journal List- B journal,JCR一区,IF:7.466,人大国际A-)

74. Cheng, X., Macaulay, L. (2014). Exploring Individual Trust Factors in Computer Mediated Group Collaboration:A Case Study Approach, Group Decision and Negotiation, 23(3), 533-560. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR二区,IF:2.928,人大国际A)

75. Cheng X., Nolan, T., Macaulay, L. (2013). Don’t Give up the Community-A Viewpoint on the Development of Trust in Online Collaboration, Information Technology and People, 26(3), 298-318. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,ABS 3分,JCR二区,IF:4.481,人大国际A-)

76. Cheng, X., Macaulay, L., Zarifis, A. (2013). Modeling Individual Trust in Computer Mediated Teams: A Comparison of Approaches, Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1733-1741. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- A journal,JCR一区,IF:8.957,人大国际A)

77. Yin, G, Zhu, L., Cheng, X. (2013). Continuance Usage of Localized Social Networking Services: A Conceptual Model and Lessons from China, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 16(3), 7-30. (SSCI)(ABDC-Journal List- B journal,JCR二区,IF:3.444,人大国际B)

78. 程絮森,世界科技格局之新动向(2022),世界科技格局之新动向,《人民论坛》,2022年第2期(CSSCI)

79. 程絮森,李静,殷国鹏(2015),基于建导的企业高层管理团队决策流程设计研究,《科研管理》2015年第12期(人大B类,CSSCI,基金委A,FMS T1类期刊)

80. 程絮森,朱润格,傅诗轩(2015)中国情境下互联网约租车发展模式探究,《中国软科学》,2015年第10期(人大B类,CSSCI,基金委A,FMS T1类期刊)

81. 程絮森,刘艳丽(2013),信息化创新型团队协作中的个人信任发展探究,《科学学研究》,2013年第5期(人大B类,CSSCI,基金委A,FMS T1类期刊)

82. 程絮森,李瑗瑗,赵莹(2015)协作工程理论指导的信息技术在网络教学案例分析中的应用,《电化教育研究》,2015年第6期(CSSCI)

83. 程絮森,李钊(2013)建导式web协作学习中信任与成绩的关系研究,《中国电化教育》,2013年第3期(CSSCI)

84. 程絮森,李静,李钊(2013),高校研究生创新教学中的建导式协作设计研究——基于CSCL环境,《电化教育研究》,2013年第6期(CSSCI)

主要会议论文(Selected Conference Paper)

1. Zhang, X., Cheng, X*. (2024). I lose vs. I earn: Consumer perceived price fairness toward algorithmic (vs. human) price discrimination. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsCHI, Hawaii, USA. CCF A类会议,人大A+

2. Cheng, X., Zhang, S.(2024). Tool, Teammate, Superintelligence: Identification of ChatGPT-Enabled Collaboration Patterns and their Benefits and Risks in Mutual Learning. Proceedings of 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

3. Cheng, X., Yan, Y., & Zarifis, A. (2024). Understanding Users' Response to Chatbots from the Perspective of Interactive Ritual Chain. Proceedings of American Conference on Information System (AMCIS). Salt Lake City, USA.(信息系统国际权威会议)

4. Wang,T.,Shen,J.,& Cheng,X.(2024). Exploring the Design of AI Teammate in Brainstorming. Proceedings of American Conference on Information System (AMCIS). Salt Lake City, USA.(信息系统国际权威会议)

5. Cheng, X., Zhang, S., Liu, W., Mou, J. (2023). Understanding visitors' metaverse and in-person tour intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A coping perspective. Proceedings of 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

6. Cheng, X., Zhang, S., & Mou, J. (2023). Hello, Avatar: The impact of avatars on individuals’ emotions and behaviors from three congruity perspectives. Proceedings of 30th American Conference on Information System (AMCIS). Panama City, Panama.(信息系统国际权威会议)

7. Fu, S., Cheng, X., De Vreede, T., De Vreede, G. (2022). Selecting Open Innovation Ideas in Teams vs. Nominal Groups: Exploring the Effects of Idea Quantity and Idea Assignment on Idea Selection Quality and Satisfaction with Process. Proceedings of 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

8. Zhang, X., Cheng, X., Huang X., Li, H. (2022). Investigating impulse buying behavior in live streaming commerce: The role of social presence. Proceedings of 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

9. Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Huang, X., Gu, J. (2021). Customers' self-protective motivation toward ride-sharing service in the post-COVID-19 world. Proceedings of 22nd International Conferences on Electronic Commerce (ICEC). Chengdu, China. (Best RIP RUNNER UP Award

10. Bao, Y., Cheng,X., De Vreede, T., De Vreede, G. (2021). Investigating the relationship between AI and trust in human-AI collaboration. Proceedings of 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

11. Zuo, Y., Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Zarifis, A. (2021). Investigating user satisfaction of university online learning courses during the COVID-19 epidemic period. Proceedings of 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

12. Su, L., Cheng, X., Luo, X.,& Xu, C. (2020). The Effect Mechanism of Privacy Control on Passengers Participation in Ridesharing. Proceedings of 27th American Conference on Information System (AMCIS). Salt Lake City, USA.(信息系统国际权威会议)

13. Chen, S., Cheng, X., Yang, B. (2020). An Investigation on Stickiness Intention in Sharing Economy Driven Hospitality Platforms. Proceedings of 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Dubai, UAE.(信息系统国际权威会议)

14. Li, Z., Cheng, X., Ying, B. (2020). Exploring a Hybrid Algorithm for Price Volatility Prediction of Bitcoin. Proceedings of 19th Wuhan International Conference on E-business (WHICEB2020), Wuhan, China.AIS附属国际会议)

15. Meng, X., Cheng, X., Fu, S., & Sun, J. (2020). Exploring Trust in Online Ride-sharing Platform in China: A Perspective of Time and Location. Proceedings of 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

16. Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Zarifis, A., & Mou, J. (2019). A model of customer trust in sharing economy-driven ride-sharing platforms involving psychological contract violation and recovery. Proceedings of 26th American Conference on Information System (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico.(信息系统国际权威会议)

17. Fu, S., Cheng, X., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G. J., Seeber, I., Maier, R., & Weber, B. (2019). Exploring Idea Convergence and Conceptual Combination in Open Innovative Crowdsourcing from a Cognitive Load Perspective. Proceedings of 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

18. Huang, D., Cheng, X., Hou, T., Liu, K., & Li, C. (2019). Exploring Evaluation Factors and Framework for the Object of Automated Trading System. Proceedings of 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

19. Bao, Y., Cheng, X., & Druckenmiller, D. (2019). Investigating Antecedents and Development of Trust in Ridesharing Platform: A Case from China. Proceedings of 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Jan, Hawaii, USA.(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

20. Cheng, X., Fu, S., Huang, J., de Vreede, G. J2018. Can Process Facilitation Improve Globally Distributed Collaboration? An Action Design Research. Proceedings of 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. (信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

21. Zarifis, A., & Cheng, X. (2018). The Impact of Extended Global Ransomware Attacks on Trust: How the Attackers Competence and Institutional Trust Influence the Decision to Pay. Proceedings of 25th American Conference on Information System (AMCIS), New Orleans, USA.(信息系统国际权威会议)

22. Su L., Cheng X., Hou T., Fu S. (2018). An Investigation of User Trust in Sharing Economy Driven Ride-sharing Platforms. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC), Tianjin, China. (Candidate of Best Paper Award)(电子商务领域国际权威会议)

23. Fu S., Cheng X., de Vreede G.J. (2018). Idea selection in open innovation platforms: A shared information bias perspective. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, Nanjing, China.INFORMS旗下GDN分会会议)

24. Dong Y., Su L., Fu S., Cheng X. (2018). Conflict Resolution in Business CompetitionA Case of Large Chinese Overseas Companies. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, Nanjing, China.INFORMS旗下GDN分会会议)

25. Zhu Q., Cheng X., Hou T., Fu S. (2018). Designing Collaboration Process for Different Tasks: A Comparison of Shared Understanding and Idea Creation. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, Nanjing, China.INFORMS旗下GDN分会会议)

26. Fu S.,Cheng X., Bao Y, Su L. (2018). Consumers’ Stated Preference Towards the Exhibition of House Listings’ Attributes in Sharing Economy Driven Short Rental Platform. 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Qingdao, China.

27. Cheng X., Hou T., Fu S., Sun J. (2017). Individual Trust Development in Business Virtual Teams: An Experimental Study. Proceedings of 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

28. Cheng X., Cheng X.K., Fu S., Bian Y., Yan X. (2017). Investigating the Relationship among Characteristics of Social Commerce, Consumers Trust and Trust Performance. Proceedings of 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

29. Fu, S., de Vreede, G. J., Cheng, X., Seeber, I., Maier, R., Weber, B. (2017). Convergence of Crowdsourcing Ideas: A Cognitive Load perspective. Proceedings of 34th International Conference of Information System (ICIS), Seoul, Korea.(信息系统排名第一国际会议)

30. Cheng X., Liu J., Huang J., Yan X., Han Y. (2016). Investigating Trust Factors in Global Virtual Collaboration: A Case Study of a Manufacturing Company in China. Proceedings of 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

31. Cheng X., Liu J., Druckenmiller D.., Fu S.2016. Trust Development in Globally Distributed Collaboration: A Case Study in China. Proceedings of 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

32. Cheng X., Wu F., Fu S., Vreede G.J. (2016). Improving Trust in Global Virtual Collaboration: A Case in China, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Group Decision & Negotiation, Bellingham, USA. INFORMS旗下GDN分会会议)

33. Cheng X., Zhu R., Fu S. (2016). Modeling the motivation of sharing option: A case study based on a car-sharing digital platform, Proceedings of 15th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB), Wuhan, China. AIS附属会议)

34. Zhang M., Cheng X., Luo X., Fu S. (2016). An Empirical Business Study on Service Providers’ Satisfaction in Sharing Economy. Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC), Changsha, China. (EI)

35. Cheng X., Yu J. (2015), Designing of a Mobile Collaboration Application for Student Collaborative Group Work: Evidence from China, Proceedings of 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. Best Paper Nomination)(EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

36. Cheng X., Li Y., Zhao Y. (2015), Can We Solve Low Participation, Distraction and Inefficiency? A Case Study of Distributed Collaborative Learning in Industries, Proceedings of 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

37. Cheng X., Vreede GJ., Huang J. Fu S. (2015). Exploring Trust Factors in Global Hybrid Virtual Collaboration: A Case Study of a Chinese Multi-national Firm, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, Warsaw, Poland. INFORMS旗下GDN分会会议)

38. Zarifis A., Cheng X., Dimitriou S., Efthymiou L. (2015). Trust in Digital Currency Enabled Transactions Model, Proceedings of 9th Mediterranean Conference of Information System (MCIS) AIS附属会议)

39. Du C., Cheng X., Zhu R., Fu S(2015). Understanding the Trust Development in Computer Mediated Collaboration Team: A Case Study in Internet Industry, Proceedings of 9th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Heifei, China.

40. Azadegan, A., Cheng, X., Niederman, F., & Yin, G. (2013), Collaborative Requirements Elicitation in Facilitated Collaboration: Report from Two Context, Proceedings of 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Wailea, Maui, HI, USA. (信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

41. Cheng X., Li Y., Sun J., Zhu X. (2014). Easy Collaboration Process Support System Design for Student Collaborative Group Work: A Case Study, Proceedings of 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA.EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

42. Li Y., Cheng X., Yin G. (2014), Collaboration Information System Adoption in Hospitality: A Case Study in China, Proceedings of 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chengdu, China (信息系统国际权威会议)

43. Cheng X., Azadegan A., and Kolfschoten G.L. (2013). An Evaluation of Trust Development in Group Collaborations: A Longitudinal Case Study, Proceedings of 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, USA.EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

44. Azadegan A., Cheng X., Niederman F., Yin.G.P (2013). Collaborative Requirements Elicitation in Facilitated Collaboration: Report from a Case Study, Proceedings of 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, USA. EI)(信息系统排名第二国际顶级会议)

45. Cheng X., Han Y. (2013). Trust development in cross-cultural and uniculture collaboration teams. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, Stockholm, Swendon.INFORMS旗下GDN分会会议)

46. Sun J., Ma J., Cheng X., Liu Z., Cao X. (2013). A Novel Researcher Modeling Method to Recommend Expert in Scientific Communities. Proceedings of 34th International Conference of Information System (ICIS), Milano, Italy.(信息系统排名第一国际顶级会议)


1. 程絮森,杨波,王刊良,李浩然(2024). 大模型入门:技术原理与实战应用,人民邮电出版社,北京,中国.ISBN:9787115638816.

2. 程絮森,杨波,王刊良.(2024).数字经济与数字化转型,中国人民大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN: 9787300323367.

3. 程絮森(改编者).(2023).电子商务——商务、技术、社会(英文版·第16版),中国人民大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN:9787300315898

4. 程絮森.(2022).读懂元宇宙,中国人民大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN:9787300304991.

5. 程絮森,杨波,陈禹. (2022).信息管理与信息系统概论(第5版),中国人民大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN:9787300309408.

6. 程絮森,杨波,王刊良. (2022).电子商务概论,中国人民大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN:9787300306209.

7. 程絮森,杨波,王刊良,陈姚.(2022).电子商务商业模式及案例,清华大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN:9787302594642.

8. Zarifis, A., Ktoridou, D., Efthymiou, L., & Cheng, X. (Eds.). (2023). Business Digital Transformation: Selected Cases from Industry Leaders,Springer Nature. ISBN:978-3-031-33664-5.

9. Cheng X. (2015). Using Usability for Dynamic Web Based System Design, Saarbrucken, Germany, LAMBERT Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-659-80783-1.

10. Cheng X. (2010). An Investigation into Individual Trust Development in Computer Mediated Teams, Manchester, UK, MBS Press. ISBN: 978-0-557-94752-2.

11. [瑞士] 马丁·埃普勒,法比耶纳·宾兹利 (著).程絮森(译). (2024). 数据对话:建立你的数据流利度, 中国人民大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN: 9787300324197.

12. [英] 戴夫·查菲,塔尼娅·亨普希尔,戴维·埃德蒙森-伯德 (著),傅诗轩,程絮森,杨波,王刊良 (译) .(2023). 电子商务:管理与数字化转型(第7版), 中国人民大学出版社,北京,中国. ISBN: 9787300320878.


1. Metadebc数字协作空间软件V1.0,2023.10,中国,软件著作权登记号:2023SR1260277

2. 三维虚拟会议室系统[简称:3D会议室]V1.0,2023.10,中国,软件著作权登记号:2023SR1184701

3. Teambot团队协作流程智能推荐系统V1.0,2022.4,中国,软件著作权登记号:2022SR0471515

4. AI-DRIVEN团队协作流程智能推荐系统V1.0,2022.4,中国,软件著作权登记号:2022SR0471514

5. DISCUSSION网络会议助手软件,2013.3,中国,软件著作权登记号:2013SR076322

6. 思维创享网络会议手机软件,2014.1,中国,软件著作权登记号:2014R11L072014



• Information Technology and People(SSCI,ABS 3分期刊,Senior Editor)

• Internet Research(SSCI,ABS 3分期刊,JCR一区,ABDC-A, Associate Editor, Guest Editor)

• Information Technology for Development(SSCI,AIS附属期刊,JCR一区,Associate Editor)

• Journal of Electronic Commerce Research(SSCI, Associate Editor)

• Electronic Commerce Research(SSCI,ABDC-A, Editorial Board)

• Information Systems Journal(SSCI,ABS 4分期刊,ABDC-A*, Editorial Review Board)

• International Journal of Information Management(SSCI,JCR一区,ABDC-A*,Editorial Review Board)

• International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI,JCR一区,ABS 3分,ABDC-A, Editorial Advisory Board,Guest Editor)

• Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI,JCR二区,ABDC-A,Editorial Review Board)

• Information Processing & Management(SSCI, JCR一区,ABDC-A,Guest Editor)

• British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI, JCR一区,教育部国际A类,ABDC-A,Guest Editor)

• Electronic Markets(SSCI,JCR二区,ABDC-A, Guest Editor)

• Electronic Commerce Research and Applications(SSCI,JCR一区,Guest Editor)

• Journal of Global Information Technology Management(SSCI,JCR二区,Guest Editor)

• Journal of Organizational and End User Computing(SSCI,JCR一区,Guest Editor)

• Decision Support Systems(SSCI,ABS 3分期刊,Associate Guest Editor)

担任以下国际顶级与权威SSCI期刊/知名会议匿名评审专家 :

Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Information & Management, Group Decision & Negotiation, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Information Technology and People, Information Processing and Management, Annuals of Operation Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Behaviour and Information Technology, International Journal of Information Management, Information Technology for Development, Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Interactive Learning Environments, Interacting with Computers, Computers & Education, New Media &Society, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Managerial Psychology,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, ,Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of e-Collaboration, International Conference of Information System(ICIS),Hawaii International Conference of System Science (HICSS),European Conference of Information System(ECIS),American Conference of Information System(AMCIS),Pacific and Asian Conference of Information System(PACIS),International Conference of Group Decision and Negotiation(GDN)等


• 第31届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2024)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第57届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2024)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第30届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2023)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第56届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2023)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第29届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2022)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第55届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2022)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第28届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2021)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第42届信息系统国际会议(ICIS 2021)领域副主编(Associate Editor)。

• 第54届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2021)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第23届电子商务国际会议(ICEC 2021)分会主席(Track Chair)。

• 第27届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2020)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第28届欧洲信息系统国际会议(ECIS 2020)领域副主编(Associate Editor)。

• 第53届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2020)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第26届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2019)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第52届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2019)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第18届群组决策与协商(GDN 2018)国际会议 程序委员会委员, 领域主席(Stream Chair)。

• 第25届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2018)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第20届电子商务国际会议(ICEC 2018)分会主席(Session Chair)。

• 第51届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2018)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第24届美洲信息系统国际会议(AMCIS 2017)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair)。

• 第25届欧洲信息系统国际会议(ECIS 2017)领域副主编(Associate Editor)。

• 第50届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2017)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第16届群组决策与协商(GDN 2016)国际会议 程序委员会委员。

• 第15届武汉电子商务国际会议(WHICEB 2016)分会主席(Track Chair)。

• 第49届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2016)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第24届欧洲信息系统会议(ECIS 2016)领域副主编(Associate Editor),程序委员会委员。

• 第48届夏威夷系统科学国际会议(HICSS 2015)分会主席(MiniTrack Chair),程序委员会委员。

• 第12届群组决策与协商国际会议(GDN 2012)群组决策协作分会主席(Session Chair)

• 第13届群组决策与协商(GDN 2013)国际年会程序委员会委员

• 国际信息系统学会中国分会/中国系统工程学会信息系统工程专委会(CNAIS)院长系主任论坛联合主席

• 中国信息经济学会互联网经济与跨境电商专委会 副主任

• 中国信息经济学会 常务理事

• 中国老年学与老年医学学会 常务理事

• 中国管理科学与工程学会 理事

• 中国软科学研究会 理事

• 中国管理现代化研究会电子商务与网络空间治理专委会常务理事

• 中国系统工程学会信息系统工程专委会(CNAIS)理事

• 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会计算机模拟分会理事会 理事

• 中国老年学和老年医学学会智慧医养分会副主任、常务理事兼青年工作部部长

• 中国大百科全书(第三版)管理科学与工程卷词条编写专家

• 美国运筹学与管理学研究学会(INFORMS)GDN Section 理事

• 国际信息系统学会(AIS)、国际信息系统学会中国分会(CNAIS)、系统工程学会会员

• 欧美同学会会员

• 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家等

• 教育部评审专家等

• 国家社科基金通讯评审专家、成果通讯鉴定专家

• 商务部、交通部、工信部、团中央等特邀咨询专家


• 中国人民大学信息学院教师发展工作委员会委员

• 中国人民大学信息学院科研工作委员会委员

• 中国人民大学信息学院学科建设工作委员会委员

• 中国人民大学信息学院经济信息管理系人才引进评委会委员

• 中国人民大学新生成长领航导师

• 中国人民大学信息学院信管拔尖班/金融科技双学位班班主任


• 2023年,教育部长江学者奖励计划(2022年度)

• 2023年,北京市国家治理青年人才培养计划

• 2024年,北京市哲学社科优秀成果奖二等奖

• 2024年,中国人民大学本科课外教学优秀指导教师

• 2023年,北京市学校美育科研论文甲类一等奖

• 2022年,高等学校电子商务与数字经济卓越案例库入库案例

• 2022年,电子商务类优秀课程思政课奖

• 2021年,中国信息经济学优秀成果奖

• 2021年,中国国际“互联网+”创新创业大赛北京赛区获奖团队指导教师

• 2021年,中国人民大学优秀本科毕业论文指导教师

• 2021年,中国人民大学优秀班主任

• 2021年,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划立项指导教师

• 2020年,教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)青年成果奖(人文社科国内最高级别奖励,首届青年成果奖)

• 2020年,北京第十一届高校青年教师教学基本功大赛论文三等奖

• 2020年,中国人民大学优秀科研成果奖

• 2020年,中国人民大学杰出学者

• 2019年,校级优秀班主任

• 2019年,校级优秀研究生导师(全校排第一)

• 2018年,阿里巴巴活水计划学者

• 2018年,北京市高等教育教学成果奖二等奖

• 2018年,校级优秀学系主任

• 2017年,中国信息经济学青年创新奖

• 2017年,校级优秀班主任

• 2017年,王林生奖教金

• 2016年,校级教学成果奖一等奖

• 2016年,北京高校青年教师优秀社会调研成果二等奖

• 2016年,校级优秀研究生导师(全校排第一)

• 2016年,校级科研标兵

• 2015年,团中央“丝路新世界*青春中国梦”暑期实践优秀个人

• 2015年,北京高校青年教师优秀社会调研成果一等奖

• 2015年,全国大学生旅游创意大赛优秀指导教师奖

• 2015年,北京第九届高校青年教师教学基本功大赛论文二等奖

• 2015年,校级优秀教师

• 2015年,校级优秀班主任

• 2014年,北京市教育工会理论调研成果奖 论文优秀奖

• 2013年,北京第八届高校青年教师教学基本功大赛二等奖(论文组)

• 2013年,首届北京市大学生创业设计竞赛 优秀指导教师奖

• 2013年,华北五省(市、自治区)及港澳台大学生计算机应用大赛三等奖指导教师

• 2013年,校级优秀班主任

• 2008年,英国曼彻斯特大学优秀研究发展资格荣誉证书(PGDM)。

• 2006年,英国曼彻斯特大学Informatics Research Scholarship

• 2006年,英国管理与发展研究学会RADMA Award

• 2005年,剑桥大学商学院和麻省理工斯隆商学院举办的CMI Entrepreneur创业大赛团队全球冠军