演讲人: Prof. Kecheng Liu 英国雷丁大学信息科学研究中心主任
讲座时间: 2011年10月17日上午10:00-12:00
讲座地点: 信息楼二层会议室
Information systems engineering covers typically the activities requirements engineering, systems design and implementation, aiming at developing IT systems that support businesses and organizations. This relatively young discipline aims at delivering a set of “systematic” and “repeatable” theory and techniques ensuring that information systems developed meet the business requirements. However this task is challenging.
In this lecture, we shall look at Organizational Semiotics and see if this can offer us a foundation for information systems work. Derived from semiotics, OS has a focus on organizational behavior, and advocates that an organization should be regarded as an information system. Within an organization, signs are created, stored, transmitted and consumed for communication and coordination, often with the deployment of information technology. We shall discuss how semiotics and semiotic methods can be useful in information systems engineering, and re-engineering.
Prof. Liu is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and a chair professor at Applied Informatics at the University of Reading. He is also a Director of Informatics Research Centre, and Head of School of Business Informatics, Systems and Accounting. He has published 14 books and over 200 papers in the fields of business informatics. As a key international figure in Information Systems and Organizational Semiotics, he was one of the founders and also the chairman of a series of international workshops and conferences on Informatics and Semiotics in Organizations.
Prof. Liu is the recipient of several research grants from British research councils and industrial sources, as well as international foundations. His research interests span from information systems methodology, requirements engineering, pervasive informatics, intelligent systems enabling sustainable working and living, information management in healthcare and, recently, pragmatic web. He has supervised 50 PhD students spreading in many countries and regions such as Chile, Brazil, Netherlands, Iran, Singapore, China and UK. He has been a visiting professor in a number of prestigious Chinese Universities