邀请人: 杨云雁、朱晓宝
Email: zhuxiaobao@amss.ac.cn
(Place: 3202 room, the 3th Teaching Building(三教), RUC)
Time: 8:40~9:40
Title: Uniqueness of Schrodinger flow on manifolds
Abstract: We will give a geometric proof of the uniqueness of Schrodinger flow, which, compared to the direct method, reduces the requirement of regularity of the solution. This is a joint work with Youde Wang.
Time: 9:50~10:50
Title: Regularity theory of some minimizers of variational problem
Abstract: In this talk, we present a classical theory about the regularity of minimizers of some energy functionals, including the harmonic map energy as a special case. More precisely, we will talk about Caccioppoli inquality and reverse Holder inequality, which are due to Giaquinta and Giusti in the 80's.
Time: 11:00~12:00
Title: Blow-up analysis for harmonic maps into Lorentzian manifolds
Abstract: For a sequence of harmonic maps into a Lorentzian manifold with their tension fields bounded in L^2, we prove that the energy identities hold during the blow-up process. Moreover, for a special case, we prove that there is no neck. As an application, we consider the blow-up picture of singularities for a Lorentzian harmonic map flow.