郑凯博士现为澳大利亚昆士兰大学计算机与电子工程系讲师。他在2012年被澳大利亚昆士兰大学授予计算机科学博士学位。郑凯博士主要研究如何为企业,科研和个人应用提供大数据管理,整合和分析的高效解决方案。他的主要研究领域包括社交媒体数据分析,时空数据库,不确定数据库, 数据挖掘和生物信息学。郑凯博士在CCF A类顶级国际期刊和会议上发表了超过40篇文章。他曾任APWeb 2016的程序委员会主席,SIGMOD (2015,2016),CIKM(2014,2015)程序委员和多个顶级期刊如IEEE TKDE, VLDB Journal和Geoinformatica的专家评审。郑凯博士是2013年澳大利亚优秀青年科研奖和2015年ICDE最佳论文奖的获得者。
Title: Interactive Top-k Spatial Keyword queries
Abstract: Conventional top-k spatial keyword queries require users to explicitly specify their preferences between spatial proximity and keyword relevance. In this work we investigate how to eliminate this requirement by enhancing the conventional queries with interaction, resulting in Interactive Top-k Spatial Keyword (ITkSK) query. Having confirmed the feasibility by theoretical analysis, we propose a three-phase solution focusing on both effectiveness and efficiency. The first phase substantially narrows down the search space for subsequent phases by efficiently retrieving a set of geo-textual k-skyband objects as the initial candidates. In the second phase three practical strategies for selecting a subset of candidates are developed with the aim of maximizing the expected benefit for learning user preferences at each round of interaction. Finally we discuss how to determine the termination condition automatically and estimate the preference based on the user's feedback. Empirical study based on real PoI datasets verifies our theoretical observation that the quality of top-k results in spatial keyword queries can be greatly improved through only a few rounds of interactions.