
更新时间:2018-07-30 16:45:12 浏览量: 供稿:卢卫老师

新加坡南洋理工大学 NTU(QS 2018排名全球第12位、工科全球第5位亚洲第1)计算机科学与工程学院的2018年8月入职的赵俊老师 (有计算机科学专业排名全球第一的美国卡内基梅隆大学CMU的电子与计算机工程博士学位) 的研究组有如下空缺:

1. 招收访学或来实习的博士生、硕士生、本科生。

2. 招收来NTU做博士后Postdocs(与IEEE Fellow,NTU正教授Professor Dusit Niyato 合作指导)。

3. 招收来NTU做研究助理或者攻读博士学位的学生(博士生提供全额奖学金)。


在提交申请并过了审核后,NTU会邀请你参加在很多地方可考的English Proficiency Test (EPT)代替TOEFL或者雅思,Technical Proficiency Test (TPT)考试代替GRE。

For NTU PhD admissions with consideration of full scholarships, the application deadline for January intake is from June 1 to July 31; the application deadline for August intake is from October 1 to January 31. Note that the application includes reference letters, so please contact your reference writers as early as possible.


The application site is

Students are also encouraged to apply for the following scholarships。注意以下奖学金的申请截止时间与PhD申请时间不一样。

For Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA), the application deadline for January intake is from January 2 to June 1; the application deadline for August intake is from June 2 to January 1. The application site is

For Nanyang President's Graduate Scholarship, the application deadline for January and August intake is from October 1 to November 30. The application site is

For ASEAN Graduate Scholarship, the application deadline is from November 1 to December 31. The application site is

赵俊老师在2018年8月入职NTU,是 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor。研究课题包括安全、隐私、大数据、机器学习、人工智能、物联网、物理信息系统、社交网络。几个具体的问题如下。

1. 大数据分析,特别是其隐私保护问题,比如差分隐私 (differential privacy)、本地化差分隐私 (local differential privacy)。

2. 人工智能和深度学习,特别是其安全问题。研究发现深度学习系统经常很脆弱,会遭受对抗样本adversarial examples的攻击。比如攻击者在熊猫图片中加入少量噪声后,生成的图片对人来讲还是熊猫,但深度学习系统会误认为是长臂猿。另一个例子是,攻击者在停车标识上加了几张纸条后,对人而言仍然是停车标识,但无人驾驶汽车的智能识别系统会把标志当成限速标识,从而不停车导致交通事故。因为人工智能系统会被布置在关键基础设施中,其安全问题非常重要。

3. 物联网(Internet of Things,简称IoT) 和物理信息系统(Cyber‐Physical Systems,简称CPS) ,特别是其安全问题。

4. 比特币bitcoin所依赖的区块链blockchain技术。

5. 社交网络和社交媒体分析。

联系方式为:邮箱,,, 微信号请在这里扫码


Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Jun Zhao (PhD received from Carnegie Mellon University, CMU) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU is ranked 12th overall in the world and 1st in Engineering in Asia by QS university rankings 2018) in Singapore has the following openings:

1. Visiting PhD/Master/Undergraduate Students or Interns;

2. Postdocs, to be co-advised by NTU Professor Dusit Niyato, IEEE Fellow;

3. Research assistants (RAs) and students to pursue PhD degrees at NTU.

For NTU PhD admissions with consideration of full scholarships, the application deadline for January intake is from June 1 to July 31; the application deadline for August intake is from October 1 to January 31. The application site is

For students applying to NTU PhD programs, in case you do not have GRE or TOEFL/IELTS scores, or your scores do not satisfy the requirements at

after you submit the PhD application, if your application successfully goes through the scrutiny, NTU will invite you to take Technical Proficiency Test (TPT) to substitute GRE score and take English Proficiency Test (EPT) to substitute TOEFL/IELTS scores, where TPT and EPT can be taken at one of many locations.

Students are also encouraged to apply for the following scholarships:

For Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA), the application deadline for January intake is from January 2 to June 1; the application deadline for August intake is from June 2 to January 1. The application site is

For Nanyang President's Graduate Scholarship, the application deadline for January and August intake is from October 1 to November 30. The application site is

For ASEAN Graduate Scholarship, the application deadline is from November 1 to December 31. The application site is

Research topics include security, privacy, big data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-physical systems (CPS), smart grid, blockchains, and social networks.

Interested students can contact Dr. Jun Zhao via email at,,via WeChat at

via Skype at live:junzhaocmu, or by calling Singapore phone number +65 8648 3534 (the first two numbers 65 represent the area code of Singapore). Thanks.