
更新时间:2016-11-22 01:29:34 浏览量:




邀请人:数学系 朱晓宝

Email: zhuxiaobao@amss.ac.cn



Time: 8:30~9:30

Place: 0343 room, Xinxi Building, RUC

Title: Minimal surfaces for Hitchin representations

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce our recent work "Minimal surfaces for Hitchin representations", joint with Qiongling Li. Hitchin component is a generalization of Teichmuller space, which is a component in the space of the representations of the fundamental group. There is a bijection between the moduli space of representations and the moduli space of the Higgs bundles. A representation gives a harmonic map from the Poincare disc to the symmetric space SL(n,C)/SU(n). Under certain assumption, the harmonic map is minimal. In our paper, we consider two specific families in Hitchin component. We discover some new results on the corresponding minimal immersions.


Time: 9:35~10:35

Place: 0343 room, Xinxi Building, RUC

Title: Liouville-type theorems on the complete gradient shrinking Ricci solitons

Abstract: In this talk, we will talk about that there does not exist non-constant positive $f$-harmonic function on the complete gradient shrinking Ricci solitons and $L^{p}$ ($p\geq 1$ or $0


Time: 10:40~11:40

Place: 0343 room, Xinxi Building, RUC

Title: Variational solutions to extremal metrics on toric manifolds.

Abstract: The K-energy functional arose from the study of the existence of Calabi’s extremal metrics on Kahler manifolds. On toric manifolds, a reduced K-energy was first obtained by Donaldson, which is a Monge-Ampere type functional on the space of convex functions. In this talk, we discuss the existence, uniqueness and regularity of the minimizers of the reduced K-energy by a variational approach.